Neurodiversity Affirming Therapy
in Detroit and Across Michigan
Support. Understanding. Connection.

You are struggling to communicate your needs to your partner or missing each other completely. It seems like you come from different planets and you feel so misunderstood and unheard. Your relationship doesn’t look the way that you expected it to.
Tired of fighting with societal standards and the expectation to mask?
Whether you are seeking support around your relationships as an neurodivergent individual or you are part of a neurodivergent relationship and looking for support, seeking a therapist can help. Many relationships go on for years before one or all partners are diagnosed with Autism, ADHD, or AuDHD. People struggle to understand one another, feel as though they are having different conversations and become so frustrated with feeling unheard that they wonder if the relationship is doomed to fail.
Have you been singled out as “the problem” in your romantic relationship and need support to advocate for yourself as a neurodivergent person? Society is setup to center neurotypical folks and this can be incredibly disruptive to relationships and connection. There are supports to be offered and of benefit to neurodivergent and neurotypical members of a relationship. Many relationships are mixed neurotype, one person is neurotypical and one is neurodivergent, but that is not the only possibility.
Contact B.
The good news is, a couples therapist isn’t here to choose sides and force you into neurotypical ways of communicating and living.
How therapy for neurodivergent relationship works.
Coming to couples therapy creates a neutral space for all partners to learn about themselves, their partners and grow accordingly. If it feels like you completely miss each other in a conversation, allowing a therapist to step in and translate until you learn one another better and how to respond is key. You will learn communication tools that work for you and your relationships and leave therapy with a better understanding of yourself and your partners.
I am a fairly directive therapist and we will do exercises during our sessions to work on communication and I will provide activities to do outside of sessions to keep working on those skills and toward your personalized goals of therapy. Neurdiversity affirming therapy takes into consideration your unique way of moving through the world and leaves behind societal expectations that dont fit for you. In couples where one person is neurotypical and the other is neurodivergent, no neurotype is valued above the other, learn ways to communicate despite your differences.
Your Relationship Past
This is the stage where we will assess your relationship up until this point. Considering dynamics of communication and connection that could use some tweaking to better improve your lives.
Your Relationship Present
We will explore what is going on currently within your relationship and address any concerns about communication, both related to neurodiversity and not.
Your Relationship Future
We will explore what each of you wants individually and what you want relationally.
Neurodiversity Affirming Therapist, B Snogles, in Detroit and Across Michigan and Florida

When you are overwhelmed with the current state of your relationships, it is difficult to see the path forward.
Neurodiversity Affirming Therapy Can Help You
Have difficult conversations
Clearly state your boundaries and desires
Explore what you actually want out of your relationships
Build intimacy through improved communication
Feel Empowered Individually And In Your Relationships
Stop making assumptions about communicate explicitly