Aromantic and Asexual Affirming Therapy
You have had the experience of seeing a counselor who has no clue how to support someone with your lived experience and are sick of searching.

You may be struggling with your identity but the real struggle is dealing with society and family expectations.
Minority stress is impacting your relationship with yourself and your ability to connect with others. Some clients seek therapy for help completely unrelated to their asexuality and are simply looking for an affirming therapist. A therapist who knows what its like to want help, with limited affirming therapist options available.
Some topics Asexual and Romantic clients seek therapy for
Dealing with the unending shitstorm of oppression that surrounds us all the time in this world
Struggling with the impacts of anxiety or depression and just wanting a therapist who you dont have to educate on basic shit about being ace or aro
Identity development- who am I? What types of relationships do I want?
Struggles at work, with family, with peers that simply dont understand, or ignore your relationships because they dont get it
I am married or partnered and want to tell them that I am asexual, aromantic, and/or part of LGBTQIA2+ communities and need support to do so
Contact B.
LGBTQIA2+ affirming counseling can help you:
Explore your gender and sexuality or asexuality
Affirm your lived experiences
Deal with systemic and social oppressions and the impact on your life
Improve your relationship, communication, and conflict skills
Grieve the youth you never had, but deserved
Tell the people closest to you in a way that best supports your needs, on your timeline
Asexuality affirming therapy anywhere in Michigan and Florida.
If you are sick of being misunderstood and have therapists claim to work with LGBTQIA2+ clients but really not know what the hell they are doing, reach out.
Whether you are questioning asexuality or are already aware that you are or your identity isn’t a major reason you are seeking therapy having a therapist with both lived experience and clinical experience can make a world of difference.
After struggling to find my own queer and transgender competent therapist who knew anything about asexuality I decided to become a therapist.
I pursued my Masters degree and did my internship at both a queer and trans clinic and private practice. I spent my graduate clinic hours working with couples and many families with trans youth. I still provide therapy to families with trans youth and adults, and have seen an increasing number of couples/relationships with queer and trans members since moving back to Michigan.